January 13, 2009

Count Trailing Zeros in N Factorial

How many trailing zeros does N factorial contain, for ex. 5! = 120 so ans is 1. Propose an algorithm to count trailing zeros. Assume that N! is very large and does not fit into word size of the computer.

This problem is straight forward. N! = 1*2*3*4*5* .... *N. If we count all 5's in this product, then that many trailing zeros are there. This is because a 5 is countered by 2 to produce a zero. Additionally, there are more 2's than 5's so counting 5's gives the right answer. The following pseudo-code does that:
count = 0
i = 5
while i <= n
  j = i
  while j%5 == 0
    j = j/5
    count += 1
  i += 5
return count
This algorithm takes n/5 outer loop iterations and is bounded by log n [base=5] inner loop iterations, hence it takes O(n log n) time. We can clearly do better than this.

Actually, we can solve this problem in O(log n) time. For a given i the term i/5 gives total number of 5's that come before it. For ex. 17/5 is 3, there are 3 numbers that contain fives which are less than 17 i.e. 5, 10, 15. So we count number of 5, then number of 25, then so on.
count = 0
d = r = 1
while r > 0
  d *= 5
  r = [n/d] // [x] is greatest integer less than x
  count += r
return count
This algorithm runs in O(log n) time and an asymptotic improvement on the previous algorithm.


  1. only counting 5's in is wrong as 10's can contribute to trailing 0's also

  2. 10 is made of 5 ... so counting 5 works

  3. Thanks, interesting question!

    Also found great answer here:

    Find trailing zeros in factorial
