May 1, 2014

Defective Balls

For problem 1-3 consider a weighing scale (with two sides) and it only tells which side is heavier (it doesnt tell by how much).

Problem 1: You have 9 balls of same weight, except that 1 ball is defective and it is known to be lighter. Find the defective ball in two weighing.

Problem 2: You have 9 balls of same weight, except that 1 ball is defective (it can be heavier or lighter, we dont know). Find the defective ball in three weighing.

Problem 3: You have 9 balls of same weight, except that 2 balls are defective and they are known to be lighter. Find the defective balls in four weighing.

Problem 4: There are 9 machines that produce the balls. You get 9 balls from each machine during a production cycle. You are given a weighing scale that gives the exact weight. You are told that one machine produced defective balls in a given production cycle. Find the defective machine through a single weight measurement. Assume that a perfect ball weight 1lbs and defective ball weight 1.1lbs.

Problem 5: Consider problem 4. Now assume that the weight of the defective ball is unknown. Now find the defective machine in two weighing.

Problem 6: There are two jars A and B. A contains 50 perfect balls and B contains 50 defective balls. Arrange the 100 balls in the two jars in a way that the probability of randomly picking a ball (by first randomly picking a jar) is maximized.

Solution: show

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