July 9, 2012

Finding Top K Elements in Large Dataset

Problem: Consider the problem of finding top K frequent numbers from a file with N numbers. Now consider that N is very large such that it cannot fit in the memory M available to the program. How do we find the top K frequent elements now with the assumption that K < M < N.

Deterministic solution: show

Single pass probabilistic solution: show


  1. for the first method if assume we have 10 chunks, with 1st chunk we form k min heap and use the same heap for all chunks completed, each of which updates heap based on local count of numbers...

    but it may happen such that a number present across chunks but may not have resulted to final heap obtained with this sol ?

  2. @Anon, All numbers are guaranteed to be in only one of the chunks due to hashing based partitioning.

  3. hm..makes sense thanks for the response.

    i didn't get Alternate method!! can you give any reference to that or give small example for better understanding...

  4. Thanks Srinivaas for pointing that I missed a "r". Updated.

  5. Thanks sevgiinsani for the due dilligence. Most likely the bug occured due to HTML goof-up of < and >. Corrected it now.
