August 12, 2012

Bulls and Cows

Bulls and Cows is a two player game. First player thinks of a N digit secret number and second player guesses that number. This is done by second player making a guess and first player telling the number of bulls and cows in the guess. If the digits of guess matches secret and they are in right position, it's a bull, if they match but on different position, they are cows. For e.g. Let secret be 0123 and guess be 0012. The guess has 1 bull, 2 cows. The game continues, until second player gets a response of N bulls.

The problem is to write a computer solver for bulls and cows that would try to guess the secret making only a small number of attempts.

Solution: show

July 21, 2012

Number of Paths in a Rectangular Grid

Problem 1: Consider a rectangular grid of n x m rectangular cells. The problem is to find the number of shortest (or monotonic in this case) paths along the edges of the cell that start at (0,0) and end at (n,m). How do we print all such paths?

A monotonic path consists of moving up or right but not down or left. Figure 1 illustrates such a path for a grid of size 5 x 3.

Figure 1
Solution: show

Problem 2: Now we need to print all monotonic paths that do not go above the diagonal y = x. Figure 2 shows such a path. Note that the path in figure 1 goes above the diagonal, hence not desirable in this case. How many such paths exist for n x m grid (n >= m)?

Figure 2
Solution: show

Problem 3: Now let us consider that apart from up and right moves we can take up-right (diagonal) moves. Figure 3 shows such a path. How many such paths exist for n x m grid?

Figure 3
Solution: show

July 9, 2012

Finding Top K Elements in Large Dataset

Problem: Consider the problem of finding top K frequent numbers from a file with N numbers. Now consider that N is very large such that it cannot fit in the memory M available to the program. How do we find the top K frequent elements now with the assumption that K < M < N.

Deterministic solution: show

Single pass probabilistic solution: show

July 3, 2012

Finding Top K Frequent Items

Problem: Consider a file containing N numbers. For e.x. {2,3,4,3,1,78,78,3} is a file containing N=8 numbers. Assume that N is small enough to fit in the computer's memory M. So in this case N << M. Now we need to find top K frequent numbers in the file. For the above example, output should be {3,78} for K = 2.

Running Time: Time complexity should be either O(N), O(N log K), O(N + K log N)

Solution: show